Celebrating #AGDay the right way

Australia’s first National Agriculture Day was on 21 November 2017 and we at Grain Storage Technology | HE Silos could not let it pass without a celebration.

Celebrating National AG Day was very important for the team at Grain Storage Technology | HE Silos because not only is agriculture Australian’s largest industry but the farming sector is also the powerhouse behind our regional community. It is the reason why we get up in the morning and come into work.
Australian agriculture generates $60 billion of on-farm production and feeds 61 million people globally. We at Grain Storage Technology | HE Silos are proud to be a part of the value chain to get food from farm to plate.
On the 21st of November 2017; we hosted a luncheon with our team which consisted of Australian grown and produced products of bread, steak and sausages. We enjoyed some handmade cake made with free ranged eggs and local flour from our Office Manager Stevie, and a delicious cob loaf from our business administration trainee, Brooke. We would like to thank our staff members who participated and contributed in many ways.
We are looking forward to doing it again next year. 
The Silologist