Our Girl Jess, The BOSCAR Trainee of the Year!
The 2019 Boscars Awards
Written by Jessica Byrnes

These years’ guest speakers were Jim Honnor and Sam Johnston, the founders of “Thank A Farmer For Your Next Meal,” who spoke about promoting Australian agriculture via social media and the effects this drought has had on producers and consumers and one of their newest initiatives to “Phone A Farmer,” which was held on Monday 11 February.
H E Silos Forbes was delighted to be nominated for the Excellence in Business award and I was surprised to be nominated for Apprentice or Trainee of the Year. I was fortunate to be awarded the Apprentice or Trainee of the Year award sponsored and presented by Verto.
I would like to thank the Forbes Business Chamber for organising a wonderful night to celebrate and recognise the Forbes Business Community and I would like to congratulate all of the nominees and award recipients from the 2018/19 BOSCARS.
I would like to give a big thank you to the team at H E Silos Forbes for being excellent people to work with and for all of the great work they do.