Understanding the Preparation Required Before we can Deliver your Product

A truck parked next to several large grain silos during sunset.

So, you’ve decided to invest in some on-farm storage… what now?

Welcome back, covering all the important things we need from you before we can even begin manufacturing your storage. In late 2020, I wrote a blog all about deliveries. This blog, however, will give you an in-depth understanding of what needs to be done even before the production team know about your order.

After you decide to make a purchase, our sales team will send you through a copy of your Sales Order Confirmation and a briefing on what is needed from you. I cannot stress just how important it is for you to read through this briefing slowly and carefully.

This is everything we need from you before your order can be put into our busy production schedule:

  • Your Sales Order Confirmation- read through thoroughly and returned to us signed and approved. Please note that once the sales order has been signed, changes cannot be made unless approved by HE Silos Forbes.
  • A deposit of 20% of the total order amount must be received.
  • A mud map for our logistics team. Be sure to include any gates, low trees, buildings, terrain such as a steep incline/decline or anything else that will help our team to make a smooth delivery.
  • If your order includes a Thermal Insect Control System™ or an Aeration system, please complete the design layout that will be sent to you with your sales order and return to us signed and approved as soon as possible. Please note that we recommend Aeration be placed on a north westerly aspect of optimum results.
  • Indication of final payment, either cheque on delivery or EFT payment 3 days prior if not paid earlier. For all payments please use the DOXXXX number as specified at the top right of your sales order.

Once deposit is paid, your order will enter the production schedule and you need to be planning for any foundations to be completed according to the minimum size as specified by our sales team. Get some quotes and find out how long your wait will be. Here are some important factors to consider regarding foundations:

  • Do you plan to increase your on-farm storage in the coming years? It will be far more cost effective in the long run to accommodate for multiple silos in one go rather than have slabs pored separately.
  • Where will be a convenient location in years to come, will any new sheds be built, or any roads be changed?
  • Your concrete slab needs to be laid an absolute minimum 14 days prior to delivery and 28 days prior to filling. Not following these requirements can void your warranty. If the foundation hasn’t been laid for long enough, your delivery will be delayed until the next suitable timeslot. Please note that this could be several months after you actually require your silo.
  • Once the foundation has been completed, please supply photographs of your foundations for our approval.   

These images can be SMSed to 0497 523 530 or emailed to sales@hesilosforbes.com.au with the DOXXXX number as reference. Images and the mud map supplied by you will allow our logistics team to discuss and organise the delivery and identify any potential safety issues. In accordance with the NHVR Chain of Responsibility and Occupational Health & Safety Law, risks will be assessed, and a management plan will be prepared for the delivery. Each party involved in the supply chain must take all reasonable steps to prevent breaches of the road transport mass, dimension, loading, speed compliance and work hours laws.

Lastly, at the time of delivery there are a few things we need you to do:

  • Foundations should sit no more than 100mm above ground level. This is incredibly important as our trucks won’t be able to unload if it is any higher.
  • Ensure all rocks and/or debris are cleared from the slab to allow our team to turn the silo
  • Ensure delivery route is cleared of any obstructing branches or other factors. Any low hanging branches will need to be removed to avoid contact with the silo.

I hope this has given you an easy to understand break down of what we require before your silo is delivered. While sometimes things out of our control and may delay our schedule, such as weather events; all the things I’ve discussed in this blog are completely controllable.

Don’t forget, the longer you delay our initial requirements, the longer it will take for your order to be added to the production schedule; resulting in a much longer wait.

I hope this has helped shed some light into important requirements prior to deliveries. Any questions or queries contact the office on 02 6852 3488 or via email sales@hesilosforbes.com.au

Stay safe everyone!

Steve, the Silologist™