Drought Support and Assistance Guide

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With much of NSW farming community in the grip of one of the worst droughts, it’s appropriate to mention again the support that is available to Farmers at this time, so we have put together a brief list of those organisations you can contact.

Drought Hub is the first stop for many looking to access support information and programs; https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/climate-and-emergencies/droughthub

The department of Primary Industries is offering Concessional Loans and information can be accessed here; https://www.raa.nsw.gov.au/assistance/concessional-loans/drought-assistance

There is a raft of other services available at the website from Drought Strategy, Transport Assistance, Farm Business Skills, Debt Mediation Information and Rural Financial Counselling.

The department of Agriculture and Water Resources also has information beneficial to the Farming Communities, and can be found here; http://www.agriculture.gov.au/ag-farm-food/drought

Programs include;

    Drought Assistance Contacts can also be found here; http://www.agriculture.gov.au/ag-farm-food/drought/drought-assistance-contacts
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    If you have found a great article, program or website that has worked for you, share it far and wide. 
    Social media has become a mainstay, and pages such as “One day Closer to Rain. (Drought)” has been assisting farming families and members in connecting and sharing experiences, and give a lot of comfort to those struggling through the same issues, as well as highlighting to the wider metropolitan regions, the situation across vast stretches of Australia at this moment.
    And don’t forget there is always someone to talk too- always.
     If you have found an article, program or website that you would like us to share. Please send it to info@grainst.com.au  or call 02 6852 3488 anytime.